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Digital Impressions

Get Gentler Dental Impressions in Oakville by Going Digital

Thanks to modern technology, our patients in Oakville are no longer restricted to uncomfortable, gag-inducing putty stuffed into their mouths when it comes to taking dental impressions! With digital impressions, patients can now have a less stressful experience that also has a record of efficiency and accuracy. Here’s what happens when you undergo a digital dental impression at Oakville’s Oak Park Dental:

  1. Our technicians will first apply a light layer of reflective material to your teeth’s surface to be scanned.
  2. We will then use a scanning wand connected to a computer on your teeth, scanning the topography and structure.
  3. The computer will use these scans to generate a three-dimensional image of your teeth.

The benefits of this technology are many. Other than happier patients and dentists that don’t have to deal with the human gag reflex, digital dental impressions help our Oakville dental team assess tooth structure for fittings almost instantaneously.

Digital dental impressions help size Oakville patients for orthodontic, restorative, and cosmetic devices like crowns, veneers, and fillings. Interested in more information about digital impressions? Please don’t hesitate to contact our yeam at Oak Park Dental, and schedule your appointment with us today.

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